SCUB status: RIP
SCUB (Social Center Under the Bridge) was a squatted social center in the center of Amsterdam. It was located right behind the central station and you will find it, unsurprisingly, under a big bridge. It was perfect location for us, where we had a lot of fun building up the Lab. Unfortunately it didn’t last long. The place was evicted by the police 4 months after squatting. Did I mention the space was huge? ‘Cause it sure was.
The SCUB is our new headquarters where we feel comfortable like a bunch of
slugs in a puddle on moisty ground. You can find us here in our new
“HackLab” every Friday from 19:00 on for hacking sessions. If you have
Linux-related problems with your PC and are seeking for help you are more
than welcome to pass by. Our aim is to do various projects but also to
share our skills and knowledge and to help everyone in need of some nerdy
assistance. Take a look at the list of upcoming workshops and projects and
join in!